Who We Are

ACT For Japan is a support team established by the Piccolo Grande Foundation in hopes of raising funds for the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami devastation in Japan.

Piccolo Grande Foundation has worked in hopes of Japan's children finding interest and and strength in recreational environments, supporting teams and individual athletes in various sports including golf, Yacht, baseball, basket ball, tennis, ice hockey and more.

In raising support for the recent major earthquake and pacific tsunami that devasted Japan, many major relief efforts including the Red Cross have come together with major media networks to raise money for various public institutions and organizations in the affected districts.

ACT For Japan aims to restore children's education, sports teams, and activities that have been hindered by the recent disasters. All proceeds will go towards schools and recreational programs in the Touhoku area.

Being abroad, we often feel that there is little we can do to directly help those in need. However, as we saw in the rebuilding of the Kansai area after the Great Hanshin Earthquake, our support and donations go a long way in helping not only the greater masses but the lives of each individual. Small efforts and the giving spirit build atop one another and result in an immense power, hence the name of our organization: Piccolo Grande.

With your "piccolo" contribution will bloom into the "grande" hopes of Japan's childrens whose dreams have been dashed by this tragedy. Please lend us your hand and love.

Also, if you could please spread the word about our efforts as well as any opportunities to help the Japanese people via e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter, we would greatly appreciate it!

Ganbare Nippon, Ganbare Tohoku!!!